For beginners, to achieve high-quality welds with good appearance using a spot welder, the first step is to adjust the welding parameters properly. It may be difficult to proficiently adjust the spot welder parameters, so today we will carefully explain the issue of parameter adjustment! Typically, the main parameters to adjust are welding current (or welding current density) and welding time, while pre-compression time, holding time, and gap time play a secondary, auxiliary role.
Here are some skills about spot welding machine setting tips(Resistance Welding):
Electrode Pressure:
The electrode pressure during spot welding mainly depends on the mechanical properties of the metal being welded, the size of the weld, and the number of welds to be made in one operation.
The electrode pressure should be sufficient to completely crush the weld when it reaches the fusion temperature and to ensure close contact between the two workpieces.
Excessive electrode pressure will increase the contact area between the workpieces and reduce the strength of the joint due to a decrease in current density. Insufficient electrode pressure, on the other hand, can cause spatter. Therefore, the electrode pressure should be adjusted to achieve a balance.
Welding Time:
For fixed workpiece material and thickness, welding time is determined by welding current and the material properties of the workpieces. When welding carbon steel and low-alloy steel, welding time is secondary to electrode force and welding current. When determining the appropriate electrode pressure and welding current, the welding time should be adjusted to achieve satisfactory welds. As the plate thickness increases, the current needs to be increased, and this is usually done by adjusting the voltage (when the resistance is constant, higher voltage leads to higher current), or by increasing the working time with a constant current, which can also increase heat input and achieve good welding results. Welding can be divided into hard and soft specifications. Hard specifications refer to high current plus short time, while soft specifications refer to low current plus long time.
Extended Information:
The most important parameters for adjusting a spot welder are welding current and welding time, while other parameters such as pre-compression time, holding time, and gap time are less important and serve as auxiliary parameters.
Therefore, as the plate thickness increases and requires an increase in current, this is usually done by adjusting the voltage (when the resistance is constant, higher voltage leads to higher current).
Or by increasing the welding time with a constant current, which can also increase heat input and achieve good welding results. Spot welding generally falls into two specifications: hard and soft. Hard specifications refer to high current plus short time, while soft specifications refer to low current plus long time.